What is health? It is more than not being ill-good health is a state of physical and mental well-being. Our thoughts and feelings affect our physical health. NLP studies the way out thinking can influence our health. What is health? It is more than not being ill-good health is a state of physical and mental well-being. Our thoughts and feelings affect our physical health. NLP studies the way out thinking can influence our health. This audio CD tells you how to: recognize and deal with worry and stress, become calmer, change your emotional state so you are more resistant to ilness, deal with insomnia, start to create the healthy future you want. This CD includes practical, guided exercises to help you bring your mind and body into harmony.
On this exclusive CD you have a rare opportunity to experience Ian McDermott sharing his experiences as an NLP Trainer and Coach on how NLP can assist you in entering the realm of Vision, Purpose and Spirit. This is powerful material that gets to the heart of who you really are – and what drives your life.
- Experience the NLP skills that enable you to create a Vision of life that motivates and inspires you
- Discover the questions that will enable you to access your life's purpose
- Discover what's most important to you and how to live a life driven by your passions
- Go beyond the tools of NLP to experience NLP in service of the life of the Spirit
- Vision (23.39)
- Purpose (18.27)
- Purpose Plus! (12.35)
- Spirit (12.56)
While Coaching can provide powerful practical results and change in our lives, it also has the potential to go much, much deeper. On this special CD, Ian McDermott brings together two decades experience as a world-class Coach to show you how to access parts of yourself that may surprise you!
- Discover the dimension of coaching that enables you to access what is really important to you
- Explore how Coaching can enable you and others to ascertain your true purpose in life
- Learn how effective Coaches engage with the bigger life issues so you can assist yourself and others
- Experience one of the truly magical elements of Coaching with Ian McDermott, a world leader in the field
- Introduction to the Spiritual Dimension of Coaching (14.18)
- What is the Spiritual Dimension? (10.03)
- Being Present (11.43)
- A more spacious awareness (9.19)
- From Trying to Gratitude (16.12)
- Your Legacy (16.43)
CHANGE: Many people want it but most struggle to achieve it. On this ground-breaking CD, Ian McDermott unveils the secrets of powerful and effective change. By combining the tools of NLP and Coaching you will discover how to break through the limitations that may have been preventing the changes you desire from happening easily.
- Learn how the skills of NLP Coaching can be used to create rapid and effective change
- Discover why most attempts at change fail
- Discover vital tools for accessing the positive purposes that lie behind all human behaviour
- Experience how change can be much faster and easier than most people think
If you want to be really effective in any area of life you'll find it easier when you know the how-to's. On this CD you will find some of the most effective tools that have yet been developed. You'll also find that you can apply them to great effect both at work and at home. They are quite simply tools that can turn change into transformation.
- Highlights from NLP Practitioner training with Ian McDermott
- How to Build Choice: Understanding States
- How to Change Perspective: Association & Dissociation
- How to Make Sense of Behaviour: The Power of Reframing
- Simple and Easy Change: Using Submodalities
- How to Build Choice (61.12)
- How to Change Perspective (51.08)
- How to Make Sense of Behaviour (54.22)
- Simple and Easy Change (61.42)
People often say that it's good to let sleeping dogs lie - but what happens when those dogs won't lie down? What if certain situations trigger a response in you which you know is out of all proportion? And what happens when something from the past invades the present so that certain feelings or memories which you don't like keep coming back? Whenever this happens, the past is running your present. Whether it's a phobia or a trauma, the NLP techniques demonstrated on these CDs show how anyone can lay the past to rest and be free. So, whether you know someone who has a fear of flying or someone with a troubled past, it's good to know that there is a simple and easy, profound and lasting way through. These CDs make clear the underlying grammar of phobic states and show clearly how an experienced NLP Practitioner works to enable people to become free and respond appropriately to what were formally triggers for distress. Brigid Proctor, BAC Accredited Supervisor. Table of Contents CD 1 1. The NLP Phobia Cure (51.15) CD2 2. Profound Trauma Resolution (52.02)
For years, people have been asking Ian McDermott to do a relaxation CD. They wanted to be able to experience at home what sometimes happens at the end of an ITS training day: when after working and playing hard Ian takes you through an easy and enjoyable relaxation process. Now you can enjoy profound and complete relaxation, as you listen to Ian's voice guiding you easily and effortlessly into a settled and creative state... Peaceful and powerful. This specially recorded studio quality CD offers you a different route within... so when you're ready, just settle back and allow the world to take care of itself for a while.
Learn to achieve excellence in all you do! Some people appear more gifted than others. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), one of the fastest growing developments in popular psychology, describes in simple terms what these people do differently and how you can learn from them. On this CD, leading NLP trainers Joseph O'Connor and Ian McDermott reveal the practical Skills That you too can use for effective Communication, Success at work and the excellent results you want. An Introduction to NLP includes:
- How to create rapport with others
- Influencing skills
- Understanding and using body language
- The art of asking key questions
- Effective meetings, negotiations and selling
- Accelerated learning strategies
NLP Coaching is not just about working with other people - you can also use these same NLP Coaching skills to successfully Coach yourself. Whether you want to plan your career more effectively, have more control over your thoughts and feelings, improve relationships or tackle issues from the past, this CD is designed to give you what you need to be your own best Coach.
- Learn how the skills of NLP Coaching can be used by all of us, regardless of our professions, to Coach ourselves more effectively
- Master some of the powerful NLP Coaching tools for creating rapid change and lasting results
- Discover how NLP adds a vital new dimension to traditional Coaching skills
- Learn how to develop your most important relationship of all your relationship with yourself
- Introduction to Coaching and NLP (23.36)
- The Coach from Hell! (2.22)
- Your Ideal Coach (5.48)
- Incremental Change (5.50)
- Contrastive Analysis (12.58)
- Designing the Alliance (16.36)
The Power of Coaching comes not just from the effectiveness of its numerous tools but also the fact that these are skills that anyone can easily use. As one of the world's leading Coaches, Ian McDermott's great skill lies in translating Coaching into simple steps that you can use immediately to make a profound difference to your life. On this exclusive double CD, Ian introduces you to a powerful set of skills that will enable you to assist yourself and others make rapid, lasting change.
- Hear live demonstrations of Coaching in Action
- Discover why Questions are the key to effective Coaching
- Experience the power of The Balance Wheel
- Focus on the fundamentals being present and being curious
- Learn a set of practical skills that you will be able to use immediately to impact your personal and professional life
- Introduction to Essential Coaching Skills (16.34)
- The Fundamentals: Being present and being Curious (11.26)
- What''s in a Question? (12.17)
- The Balance Wheel (21.34)
- Discussion (20.05)
- The Professional Balance Wheel (26.39)
- Final Word (3.34)