Expanding Your Coaching Impact & Toolkit:
How to Create Profound Change using Values NLP & Neuroscience
With Ian McDermott & Professor Patricia Riddell
This one day workshop is for anyone who is interested in engaging with human potential and wants skills they can put to use immediately.
You will get a practical demonstration of how Coaching, Applied Neuroscience & NLP can be integrated to achieve incredibly effective and practical results for individuals, teams and organisations.
- Learn about the changes that occur in the brain as we learn (or unlearn).
- Learn more about how Coaching, Applied Neuroscience & NLP can be blended together to create a particularly powerful way of working with people whatever your official job description.
- Learn how to use timelines as part of a coach approach.
- Learn about neuroplasticity and how it is redefining what is possible for human beings at any stage and any age.
The one thing all successful coaching approaches have in common is they trigger changes in the brain. That’s why it makes sense for you to know something about how this happens.
While the coach approach can help anyone better understand their current position and determine how they would like this to change, NLP gives you specific tools to make those changes happen. Neuroscience enhances both these approaches by providing a scientific evidence base for why and how these tools and interventions actually work.
Who is this workshop for?
This one day workshop is for anyone who is interested in engaging with human potential and wants skills they can put to use immediately.
You will get a practical demonstration of how Coaching, NLP & Applied Neuroscience can be integrated to achieve incredibly effective and practical results for individuals, teams and organisations
PLEASE NOTE: This workshop is also part of our ICF Accredited Coach Training Programme; Mastering the Coach Approach.