We are accredited by the International Coaching Federation as a Level 2 Coaching Education provider (formerly ACTP and ACSTH).

A word from Ian McDermott
Being able to learn is probably the greatest gift any human being can have because it makes everything else possible. The better you are at learning the more choices you have. My life has been about making learning easy by giving people the how-to’s. Until you have a how-to all you have is an aspiration. But how-to’s lead to practical achievement.
When I founded ITS I wanted its focus to be on delivering what actually works to individuals, teams and organisations. Now 30 years on I can tell you what this approach makes possible: you can enable anyone to become a life-long learner by rekindling their curiosity and their confidence. As they – or you – explore new possibilities you build new neural connections and this literally grows your brain.
Having trained a generation there’s something else I can tell you. With the right how-to’s:
- you can be true to yourself and successful
- you can enjoy professional achievement and personal happiness
- the way you are in the world will impact how you develop as a person
If you want to learn how to excel and be more yourself, I very much look forward to meeting you.
Ian McDermott