Just back from 1 World Trade Center in New York. It’s 15 years since 9/11 and the whole site is still under continuous development. Just two weeks ago the Oculus opened . This is an extraordinary structure comprising office space, a Westfield upscale elliptical shopping mall and a transportation hub serving 17 different railway lines. I suspect it won’t be long before it also becomes an event space..It cost $4billion and is stunning. It’s way over budget but this will be forgotten and what will remain is a real gem rather than one more transit station. I found it uplifting and incredibly moving: life has returned. From the inside it looks magnificent and to me it is a testimony to the human spirit to bounce back and go to new heights.
And when you stand beside it:
In some places you can also see the surrounding buildings (some still under construction) through the fins;
Inside there is a light, airy and spacious building with a beautiful Italian white marble finish and even out of rush hour a feeling of life:
The shops don’t get in the way of the public concourse but are easy to access on several levels:
Cast your eye up and the clean white lines continue:
Best of all though, run your eye along the spine of the Oculus and you’ll see a rather special sight:
Rising into the sky is the Freedom Tower, all 1776 feet of it. Wonderful! Welcome to a new phoenix!
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