It’s a question that humans have seemingly been asking themselves for an age.
‘’How do I get the best out of myself?’’
We live in a world that tells us that we should do all that we can to become the best versions of ourselves. That we should never stop pushing, despite how hard and confusing that may be.
That whatever we do, however we manage to puzzle piece our lives together, we should do so with getting the best out of yourself as the goal.
Now, that rhetoric is both encouraging and disparaging. It gives you the drive to push forward. But for many, when you begin to push you realise that you’re not equipped with the tools that allow you to begin to get the best out of yourself.
Maybe getting the best out of yourself looks like finding a way to be more motivated. Or, maybe you want to know how you can make decisions more easily.
Whatever it may be, when the time to get the best out of yourself comes knocking, how do you get there? Where do you find the tools that are eluding you?
In this blog, we’re going to look at how you can use Applied Neuroscience to get the best out of yourself – what it is and its practical uses.
What Is Applied Neuroscience?
To best define Applied Neuroscience, it is best to split the term apart for clarity.
The School Of Neuroscience, at King’s College London defines neuroscience as:
At its most basic, Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system – from structure to function, development to degeneration, in health and in disease. It covers the whole nervous system, with a primary focus on the brain. Incredibly complex, our brains define who we are and what we do.
The applied part of the term is the emphasis on turning the knowledge gained from Neuroscience into practical science that can be applied to real life situations.
Applied Neuroscience also has a crossover with psychology (the scientific study of mind and behaviour). This means that Applied Neuroscience helps to give reasoning around why people think and behave in the ways that they do.
To piece it all together, the study of Applied Neuroscience focuses on how Neuroscience is used in practical contexts.
Applied Neuroscience is used by many different types of people including clinics and hospitals as well as by coaches, managers, teachers, etc. It’s for anyone who wants to know how to get the best out of themselves and others, through greater understating and practical behavioural change tools.
How you can use Applied Neuroscience to get the best out of yourself
Applied Neuroscience takes the study of the brain and allows us to apply that knowledge to our lives in the most practical way. So if you have been wanting to get more out of yourself but you’ve been a little confused about how, then Applied Neuroscience might be the ‘thing’ you’ve been looking for.
Since it takes practical areas of life – both professional and personally – and looks at how you can create more impact within them.
These areas included things like:
- Emotional regulation & motivation
- Creativity, insight and creative problem solving
- Learning and memory
- Decision making and planning
- Stress, resilience and contemplation
These are the categories that we have defined for our Applied Neuroscience Programme (more on this later on in the blog). But first, how can it help you bring out the best in yourself..?
Understanding yourself and others
Applied Neuroscience helps you to understand more about yourself and others. When you have a solid, working understanding of how the brain works and how we behave because of it, you approach people, places and things with more consideration, empathy and care than you might have before.
In turn, you begin to be more empathetic and caring when it turns to self. Which is a sure fire way to hit the ground running when getting the best out of yourself is the goal.
Other ways to exist
It helps you to identify other ways of being. When you’ve spent a long time doing the same things, in the same places, with the same thinking patterns… It’s easy to understand that you can’t conceptualise a different way of being.
Very often, it is this alone that allows you to feel stuck and disconnected from a more evolved version of yourself. But Applied Neuroscience will prove to you that behavioural change is possible for yourself and those around you.
Is there anything more liberating than knowing that if you don’t like where you are now, all you have to do is decide that you are going to change it because you can? Because this powerful discipline has armed you with the tools to do so?
The choice is yours
To continue on from the point above, this discipline can help you to discover that you have a choice. You get to choose. You are in the driver’s seat!
When you have choice, you’re able to create different, new and inspiring outcomes for yourself.
Finding the right tools
Applied Neuroscience is not just for neuroscientists!
Whilst it is based in science it is for anyone who wants greater understanding of human nature – how we think, feel and behave – so you can apply understanding and practical strategies to promote behaviour change.
It is a discipline which can be used to help you get the most out of yourself and help others to do the same too. If this is something you want to explore then…
Our Applied Neuroscience Programme could be for you.
Your learning journey will take you through all of the five modules of this power discipline over five months. The programme is distils complex, cutting edge neuroscience research into tools that are understandable and immediately useful.
To lead your learning, you will be taught by both Ian McDermott and Professor of Applied Neuroscience Patricia Riddell. Two teachers who are well renowned for their work in the field of neuroscience and NLP, have collaborated to bring you a course that is the first of its kind.
For more information about the programme, come and visit us at Or, if you’re looking for more information about how you can actively change your reality and get the best out of yourself, head over to to see what we have to offer.
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