Special offer – Make and manage positive change

These 2 one-day workshops offer you insights, tools & takeaways from different fields of practical psychology.

For individual, team and organisational growth.

The Neuroscience of Managing Change

30th May 2019
10am – 5pm
London, UK

An Introduction to Coaching & NLP

15th June 2019
10am – 4.30pm
London, UK

Price: £190+VAT

Saves £35+VAT

If you can’t attend both yourself, why not take advantage anyway and invite a colleague, client – or even a family member – to take your place. Just let us know who will be attending in your place.

Change, clearly, is something that all of us experience either voluntarily or involuntarily. And it’s something that we seek at certain times. We may find it easy or hard, depending on the circumstances. It’s one of those things which sometimes people want and they don’t know how to get it; sometimes they’ve got rather more of it than they want and they’d like it to stop.

And think about that at a team or organisational level, when a range of people with different motivations and needs are involved, and when strong cultures can already exist. How do you influence and manage change at that level?

Change is inherent in both personal and business growth, and having some tools and techniques to help you with this can be incredibly empowering and help you get the results you wanted faster than you might have expected.