Starting this week I’m delighted to say, we’re going to be doing a number of free teleseminars on different aspects of coaching which I think you’ll find not only interesting but positively useful.

In the last 10 years different coaching schools have developed new and different approaches. Unfortunately when people take a coach training and go to one school they often just learn one approach. This seems to me to be short changing people because learning different approaches allows you to work better in different situations. Being familiar with different approaches means you have more tools available.

To make this possible requires bringing trainers together from completely different schools and backgrounds – and three years ago that’s what I decided to do. When I first approached some of the leading figures in the field I wasn’t sure how they’d respond. I already had a model for how to put together such a programme from creating the NLP Master Practitioner programme. Here I only selected trainers who met three key criteria: they were ethical and shared my values, they were innovators who have made positive contributions to the field and they were excellent teachers committed to giving people a real learning experience. I wanted to apply the same criteria to coaching and I was blown away by how the people I approached positively leapt at the idea.

We have now got this programme up and running and after two iterations it is nicely bedded in. So in the course of a single coaching programme people can now visit totally different coaching approaches and have different trainers from those different coaching schools offering the best of each approach.
Two of those trainers are former ICF president Pamela Richarde and Terrie Lupberger. Talking about next steps recently we thought it would be nice to do some free seminars. So we’re going to do one in July, August and September.

In July Terrie is going to be focusing on coaching in organisations. There is an art to coaching in organisations whether you’re coaching an individual or a team. How do you know that you’re on track and you are delivering something which is seen to be of real value? How can you ensure leaders and managers in an organisation see shifts in their actions and as a result recommend and endorse you? Terrie has a very interesting take on this. She would strongly argue that there are 5 keys to getting coaching results in organisations.
In August Pam is going to be focussing on how to create successful coaching agreements when there are multiple players. When someone commissions coaching for another you immediately have at least three parties involved: yourself, the commissioning person and the person who is going to be coached. How do you deal with this and avoid the pitfalls that can so easily happen? Pam has so much experience in this area and she wants to share it with you.
In September Terrie and Pam are going to focus on the Four Keys to really powerful coaching regardless of background or training school. Coming from different backgrounds they wanted to make the point by doing this one together.


Please click here to register for the Free Coaching Teleseminars

You can listen to Ian’s Audioboo here: